Selection Process

The Selection Process for candidates to the Graduate Program in Pharmacy consists onan English language proficiency exam; defense of the research planpreliminary draft;analysis of the curriculum Lattes and school records.
It is open for applications for undergraduate students holding diplomas in Biology, Biomedicine, Biotechnology, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Nutrition, Dentistry, and Chemistry

The applicants must present the following documents:

  • Applicationform; 
  • ID, passport, orRNE for foreigners, driver’s license with photo;
  • CPF;
  • Proof of voting, obtained on the TSE website (for Brazilians);
  • Military Certificate or proof of exemption (for male candidates); 
  • Proof of submission of the project to the Ethics Committee if the study involves animals or humans;
  • Candidates for the master's degree must attach the undergraduate diploma (front and back), or the original certificate provided by the Course Collegiate informing that the candidate is likely to conclude his/her course in the second semester of the year– the documents must include the University stamp including of the number of approval and/or recognition of the course in the Ministry of Education;
  • Candidates for the Doctorate Degree must attach the undergraduate diploma (front and back), Master’s diploma (front and back) orcopy of the minutes of the defense session, ordeclaration of conclusion of the master's degree issued by the Coordination of the Course Collegiate. If the candidate approved in the selection process is close to complete his/her master’s, the enrollment will be subject to the presentation of the diploma or declaration of the coordinator in the Graduation, and defense of the dissertation.The documents must include the stamp of the institution consisting of the number of approval and/or recognition of the course in the Ministry of Education;
  • Candidates for the Master’s Degree –Updated School Records of the Undergraduate Course, duly signed by the competent body;
  • Candidates for the Doctorate Degree - Updated School Record of the Undergraduate Course and the Master’s, duly signed by the competent body;
  • Candidates for the Doctorate Degree - Supporting document of at least 1 (one) submitted or published article in the field of Pharmacyin a QUALIS B2 or higher publication;
  • Curriculum Vitae, updated on the Lattes platform, with the supporting documents arranged in sequence and handed in spiral biding;
  • Research Plan Preliminary Draftbound in three 03 (three) copies and signed by a program accredited professor (permanent or associate);
  • Original Proof of Payment of the Application Fee;
  • Two recent photos in size 3x4.

