
The Graduate Program in Pharmacy (PPGFAR-UFBA) at the Federal University of Bahia was approved by CAPES in 2008 with ten permanent and four associate professors from UFBA’s School of Pharmacy. All of them were involved in Teaching both Undergraduate (Pharmacy), and Graduate Degrees, and carried out research projects mostly funded by the Bahia Research Foundation (FAPESB) and/or the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), as documented in their curriculum Lattes.
Permanent professors were grouped into two main lines of researchfollowing their areas of activity:
  • Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy –Isolation and characterization of bioactive substances from species of regional plants.
  • Laboratory Research on Diseases –Study on mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis and pathology of infectious, hematological, metabolic, and immunological diseases. Development of molecular methods and tools for application in clinical laboratory.Due to the faculty diversification, the line of research, originally focused on Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy, was renamed as“Bioprospecting, evaluation and planning of bioactive molecules”in order to describe with more precision the activities carried out by the PPGFAR professors.
Soon after its establishment, professors in the field of laboratory research on diseasesstarted joint activities with the Graduate Program inPharmacy-Clinical Analysisat USP(CAPES Grade 7,0)through the project CNPq 620219/2008-4, “Cooperation and Consolidation of Research” between the Graduate Program in Pharmacy of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and the Graduate Program in Pharmacy / Clinical Analysis of the University of São Paulo (USP).These activities had a positive impact on the academic learning of the students,for facilitating greater interaction with outstanding researchers in their respective areas of activityand for consolidating previously existing scientific collaborations and/or boosting the integration of professorsinboth programs.
As a result of the earnings resulted from the collaboration described above, the joint activities with the Graduate Program in Pharmaceutical Sciencesof the Pharmacy School of Ribeirão Preto (FCFRP-USP)started in 2012.

